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导出Excel报表的类 - ASP教程

发布时间:2016-01-19 16:44:06 所属栏目:Asp教程 来源:网络整理
导读:类文件Excel.asp % ''/**************************************/ ''/* written by yzcangel */ ''/* version : v1.0 */ ''/* createdata:2005-09-01 */ ''/* la

''/* written by yzcangel                */
''/* version : v1.0                     */
''/* createdata:2005-09-01                   */
''/* lastmodifydate:2005-09-01          */
''/* Eamil:yzcangel@sohu.com            */
''/* QQ:80214600                        */
Class Cls_Excel
    Private objRs
    Private objExcelApp
    Private objExcelBook
    Private Conn
    Private Sql
    Private Title
    Private FieldName
    Private FieldValue
    Private FilePath
    Private FileName
    Private Col
    Private Row
    ''Class_Initialize 类的初始化
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
          Row = 1 ''设定生成的Excel默认起始行
          Col = 1 ''设定生成的Excel默认起始列
    End Sub
    Public Property Let ReportConn(ByVal objConn)
          Set Conn = objConn
    End Property
    Public Property Let ReportSql(ByVal strSql)
          Sql = strSql
    End Property
    Public Property Let ReportTitle(ByVal strTitle)
          Title = strTitle
    End Property
    Public Property Let RsFieldName(ByVal strName)
          FieldName = Split(strName,"")
    End Property
    Public Property Let RsFieldValue(ByVal strValue)
          FieldValue = Split(strValue,"")
    End Property
    Public Property Let SaveFilePath(ByVal strFilePath)
          FilePath = strFilePath
    End Property
    Public Property Let SaveFileName(ByVal strFileName)
          FileName = strFileName
    End Property
    Public Property Let ColumnOffset(ByVal ColOff)
          If ColOff > 0 then
                Col = ColOff
                Col = 1
          End If
    End Property
    Public Property Let RowOffset(ByVal RowOff)
          If RowOff > 0 then
                Row = RowOff
                Row = 1
          End If
    End Property
    Sub Worksheet()
          Dim iCol,iRow,Num
          iCol = Col
          iRow = Row
          Num = 1
          Call DBRs()
          Call ExcelApp()
          Set objExcelBook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
          objExcelBook.WorkSheets(1).Cells(iRow,iCol).Value = Title
          iRow = Row + 1
          objExcelBook.WorkSheets(1).Cells(iRow,iCol).Value = "序号"
          iCol = iCol + 1
          For i = 0 to Ubound(FieldName)
                objExcelBook.WorkSheets(1).Cells(iRow,iCol).Value = FieldName(i)
                iCol = iCol + 1
          iRow = Row + 2
          Do While Not objRS.EOF
                iCol = Col
                objExcelBook.WorkSheets(1).Cells(iRow,iCol).Value = Num
                iCol = iCol + 1
                For i = 0 to Ubound(FieldValue)
                      If IsNull(objRS(FieldValue(i))) then
                            objExcelBook.WorkSheets(1).Cells(iRow,iCol).Value = ""
                            objExcelBook.WorkSheets(1).Cells(iRow,iCol).Value = objRS(FieldValue(i))
                      End If
                      iCol = iCol + 1
                iRow = iRow + 1
                Num = Num + 1
          Call SaveWorksheet()
    End Sub
    Sub DBRs()
          If IsObject(objRs) = True Then Exit Sub
          Set objRs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset")
          objRs.Open Sql,Conn,1,1
          If Err.Number > 0 Then
          End If
    End Sub
    Sub ExcelApp()
          If IsObject(objExcelApp) = True Then Exit Sub
          Set objExcelApp = Server.CreateObject("Excel.Application")
          objExcelApp.Application.Visible = True
          If Err.Number > 0 Then
          End If
    End Sub
    Sub SaveWorksheet()
          objExcelbook.SaveAs FilePath & FileName & ".xls"
          If Err.Number = 0 Then
                Call Message("导出数据成功!")
                Call Message("导出数据失败!")
          End If
    End Sub
    Sub Message(msg)
          Response.Write("<script language=''JavaScript''>")
    End Sub
    ''Class_Terminate 类注销
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
          Set objExcelBook = Nothing
          Set objExcelApp = Nothing
          Set objRs = Nothing
    End Sub
End Class


