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Mysql where子句(搜索表列匹配)[重复]

发布时间:2022-12-13 14:36:30 所属栏目:MySql教程 来源:互联网
导读: This question already has an answer here:
I have 1 table, t1,around 500+ data rowMySQL where 子句, I just show a sample data.
Data as below:

This question already has an answer here:

I have 1 table, t1,around 500+ data rowMySQL where 子句, I just show a sample data.

Data as below:

| id     | Name     | category          |
| 1      | ABC      | 6,9,25,27         |

select 查询子句 mysql_where子句不等于_MySQL where 子句


My mysql query like below:

$gcategory = intval($_GET['cat']);
$test = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE category like '%$gcategory%' ORDER BY id DESC");
foreach($test as $te){

where子句不等于_MySQL where 子句_select 查询子句 mysql

$list[] = $te; }

But if $gcategory = '7'; the ABC also will appear in my $list[], but I just want when $gcategory = '6' || $gcategory = '9' || $gcategory = '25' || $gcategory = '27' then ABC only appear in my $list[]? how to fix this?


