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发布时间:2016-02-01 19:14:48 所属栏目:Linux 来源:网络整理
导读:转自:http://hi.baidu.com/xuzhi1977/blog/item/c5869758dfafbade9d82040a.html 北亚数据恢复中心(http://www.datahf.net)张宇略作整理。 下面是原文: 以下文

结论:对在大容量的目录树操作来说,选择Ext3或者XFS。 来自其他作者的基准测试已经证明如果使用ReiserFS,对大量的小文件更为合适。但是,目前包括各种各样尺寸(10KB在5 MB)数千文件的目录树操作上,建议使用Ext3或者XFS可能获得更好的性能。如果JFS的CPU占用减到最小,这种FS带着相当高的性能。


递归显示目录的目录列表,ReiserFS(1.4秒)和XFS更迅速的1.8), Ext3和JFS(2.5和3.1)。文件查找有着相同的结果。在文件查找项目, ReiserFS(0.8秒)相比XFS(2.8)和Ext3(4.6秒)和JFS(5秒)更迅速。 Ext3和JFS有更好CPU占用:目录列表(35%),文件查找(6%)。 XFS目录列表(70%)使用更多的CPU,文件查找(10%)。 ReiserFS 看起来是占用CPU最多的FS,目录列表71%,文件查找36% 。

结论: 结果表明那, 对于这些CPU占用任务来说,(ext3和JFS)filesystems 能更少的使用CPU的。 XFS作为好备选,带有相对适中的性能和CPU的占用。


这些结果从Piszcz(2006)关于分解的Ext3,ReiserFS的磁盘能力报告一样。 这两篇文章两篇已经显示JFS是最低的CPU利用的FS。 最后,这份报告看起来没有显示出ReiserFS的high page faults activity

由于一个分区只能有一个filesystem,认识每种filesystem的优缺点很重要。如果,以这篇文章的全部测试为基准, XFS看起来是家庭或者小型企业最适合的应用于文件服务器的filesystem:



*操作大文件最迅速的FS(>500 MB)




Piszcz(2006)当时没有明确推荐XFS,他只是说:"就个人来说,我仍然愿意选择同时具备性能和可伸缩性的XFS"。 现在我只能支持这个结论。


贝努瓦,M.(2003)。 Linux 文件系统基准。

Piszcz,J.(2006)。 基准问题测试Filesystems第二部分。 Linux Gazette, 122 (January 2006)。



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Filesystems (ext3, reiser, xfs, jfs) comparison . Debian Etch

There are a lot of Linux filesystems comparisons available but most of them are anecdotal, based . artificial tasks or completed under older kernels. This benchmark essay is based . 11 real-world tasks appropriate for a file server with older generation hardware (Pentium II/III, EIDE hard-drive).

Since its initial publication, this article has generated

a lot of questions, comments and suggestions to improve it.

Consequently, I'm currently working hard . a new batch of tests

to answer as many questions as possible (within the original scope

of the article).

Results will be available in about two weeks (May 8, 2006)

Many thanks for your interest and keep in touch with



Why another benchmark test?

I found two quantitative and reproductible benchmark testing studies using the 2.6.x kernel (see References). Benoit (2003) implemented 12 tests using large files (1+ GB) . a Pentium II 500 server with 512MB RAM. This test was quite informative but results are beginning to aged (kernel 2.6.0) and mostly applied to settings which manipulate exclusively large files (e.g., multimedia, scientific, databases).

Piszcz (2006) implemented 21 tasks simulating a variety of file operations . a PIII-500 with 768MB RAM and a 400GB EIDE-133 hard disk. To date, this testing appears to be the most comprehensive work . the 2.6 kernel. However, since many tasks were "artificial" (e.g., copying and removing 10 000 empty directories, touching 10 000 files, splitting files recursively), it may be difficult to transfer some conclusions to real-world settings.

Thus, the objective of the present benchmark testing is to complete some Piszcz (2006) conclusions, by focusing exclusively . real-world operations found in small-business file servers (see Tasks de.ion).

