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大批用户反映iPhone 5S升级iOS 7.1后指纹识别出现故障

发布时间:2014-03-14 01:43:34 所属栏目:动态 来源:站长网
导读:据wccftech网站报道,有“大量”国外用户在苹果论坛抱怨,iPhone 5S升级iOS 7.1之后Touch ID功能故障。

大批用户反映iPhone 5S升级iOS 7.1后指纹识别出现故障

据wccftech网站报道,有“大量”国外用户在苹果论坛抱怨,iPhone 5S升级iOS 7.1之后Touch ID功能故障。

本周初,苹果发布了iOS 7.1正式版,根据官方介绍,更新版系统除了会提高iPhone 4性能外,重点提升了iPhone 5S的Touch ID的识别度和准确性等。

不过,现在不少iPhone 5S用户开始抱怨,自己的手机升级至iOS 7.1正式版系统后,Touch ID基本没法正常使用,涉及的问题基本包括Touch ID无法识别,录入的指纹神秘消失等等。

还有用户指出,在iOS 7.1正式版下,Touch ID跟坏了一样,即使重新输入指纹其都无法正常识别,只有连接充电器的时候,才能正常使用。


(大意是:安装iOS 7.1之后,指纹识别无法使用。我把手指放到感应器上,什么反映都没有。无论是重启机器还是怎么样,都不见有任何好转……)

User: After installing iOS 7.1 Touch ID stopped working. When I put my finger on the sensor nothing happens.

I already tried rebooting and switching Touch ID on and off. None of that seemed to work. Is there anyone else experiencing similar problems?

Right now I’m trying to set up a new fingerbrint but it doesnt even start scanning when I put my finger on. It just doesnt do anything. I have a feeling that the sensor might be broken…

(大意是:奇怪的事情发生了。放下iPhone十分钟左右,我再次拿起手机录制新指纹。我的操作是,在原来录制的指纹外,再增添一个新指纹。录制完成后,我试了试敏感度。一开始三下没问题,可能之后,就出现故障了。Touch ID感应器对我的手指几乎没反应……)

user: Something really weird is happening right now. After letting the iPhone rest for about 10min I had a “repeat” sign on my lockscreen after putting my thumb on the sensor. What I tried afterwards is adding a new finger in the settings. The first 3 clicks worked perfectly but afterwards it just stopped. It doesn’t even react to my finger. No Vibration, nothing. After waiting a few seconds it worked again, but just until the next vibration. Now it doesn’t do anything.

